About LAYC
LAYC will champion, grow and strengthen the quality of youth and children’s work by supporting our Members to provide positive opportunities for children and young people.
Click the buttons below to download our Strategic Plan, Draft Accounts, Constitution, 2024 AGM Formal Notice and Agenda. They will each load in a new browser tab.
Our charitable purpose is to provide benefit to children and young people in Edinburgh and the Lothians, to advance education and to provide facilities in the interests of social welfare for recreation and other leisure time pursuits, with the object of improving the conditions of life for children and young people.
We're a connector

We take the ideas, challenges and concerns of youth and children’s groups and share them with others.
We offer advice, support, training, funding opportunities and other relevant, timely information for our member groups.
We connect people at the right time, in the right way. We arrange forums, events and training sessions which offer opportunities to connect with other local youth and children’s organisations.
We're a facilitator

We make things happen for our member groups in a number of ways.
We hold a vast amount of knowledge about youth and children’s work, and we work hard to make that available to our member groups.
We help people access training and development, and we even offer physical space for people to use.
We're a champion

We’re proud to be a voice for our member groups. Our position as an intermediary organisation with strategic partners including national youth work agencies and local authorities ensures a voice for community-based youth and children’s work in relevant discussions and decision-making.
We understand organisations and individuals, and take time to discover the things they need. Everything we do is about enhancing provisions for children and young people in the Lothians.